Karen is a stay-at-home living nearby in the Clemson area. With three kids she tends to have a pretty packed schedule and is constantly running errands. With two boys, one in the third grade and one in the fourth, she finds herself traveling to the schools and then to their baseball and soccer practices an awful lot. Not to mention her daughter who is in the sixth grade, and participates in dance regularly after school. Because of this, her car tends to get pretty messy, but she rarely has time to clean it.
- Is often short on time trying to make sure her three children are where they need to be throughout the day.
- Carrying lots of dirty sports equipment to her children's sports practices has dirtied the car
- Is sometimes embarrassed to drive other children or adult friends because of the condition of her car.
- Would like to present a clean car to people she cares about and is willing to give rides to.
- Wants a time efficient but thorough clean
- Willing to pay a proper amount of money, but always looking for a deal.